Workplace Noise Assessments Adelaide

We are Adelaide's experts for workplace noise assessments.

Workplace Safety Consultants can conduct workplace noise assessments for your entire Adelaide business to ensure your noise levels meet the regulations set by Safe Work Australia. If you operate a noisy workplace environment, then workplace noise assessments effectively ensure potential noise hazards are identified, evaluated and controlled.

Exposure to loud, consistent noises can affect your employees' physical and mental well-being. Noise-induced hearing loss is severe and can become permanent after long-term exposure to loud and sudden noises. Studies have also found that excessive noise can disturb a person's normal heart rhythm leading to possible long-term health conditions for your employees and can result in an overall loss of productivity in your business. Therefore, it is crucial that workplaces take care of their employees and think about their long-term health.

Take the first step in reducing the risk to your emplyees that hazardous occupational noise poses. Contact Workplace Safety Consultants today.

Does your Adelaide business require a workplace noise assessment?

A workplace noise assessment is conducted in an Adelaide business.

If you are unsure whether your employees are exposed to excessive occupational noise in your Adelaide workplace, it is time to arrange a workplace noise assessment!

Under the Work Health Safety Legislation, an employer must ensure that their employees are not exposed to noise exceeding the noise exposure standard, an average of 85 decibels (as an average) for 8 hours, or to any instantaneous noise above 140 decibels, such as gunshots or sledgehammers. It is important to note that noise exposure approximately doubles with every 3 dB.

For example, the noise exposure standard is exceeded after 4 hours at 88 decibels or 15 minutes at 100 decibels.

If you are still trying to determine whether your business is compliant, don't risk it! Contact Workplace Safety Consultants today for a workplace noise assessment!

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An Adelaide business conducts workplace noise assessments for staff safety

What does a workplace noise assessment involve?

Workplace noise assessments involve measuring noise levels generated by machinery or other equipment in your Adelaide business to assess the noise levels received by your employee's ears and determine the risk of exposure to dangerous noise levels. Additionally, workplace noise assessments can provide valuable information for controlling noise and creating a more comfortable workspace for your staff.

Under the new SafeWork SA Regulations, employees required to wear hearing protection must also have an audiometric test every two years. Additionally, audiometric testing must be conducted within three months of employing new employees for at-risk groups to establish baseline hearing levels.

Reduce the risk of loud noises affecting your employee's long-term health. Contact us to arrange a workplace noise assessment today.

Safety Culture

We assist companies to develop and drive a safety culture that meets the requirements of Work Health Safety Legislation and reduces Lost Time and Medical Treated Injuries.

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